måndag, november 14, 2005

EF and Culture Care in Stockholm at Vasa museum

Dear reader, and especially all our new american friends att EF.

One morning I had a phone call. A young and very charming women asked if I wanted to come and have a lecture for a american group. It was planned to be about 100 persons! And my first thought was: Never! Never in my life! Is it possible that I, a middle-aged man from Sweden, to do that? But it was true, they wanted me to do it. So why not? Nothing more than a total disaster could happend.

And Saturday 12 th of november came. My wife and I checked in at Hotel Hilton Slussen, and that afternoon my wife had to listen to me. Again, again and again! And at 3 pm I took a taxi to Nalen in Stockholm. Met all the guests and found that this could not be anything than a great experience. They was so nice to me. Asking interesting questions, even if some of them still had a problem with jet-lag, they really tried. And whoops, one hour was gone! We talked about dresscodes in Sweden, the Swedish smorgardsbord, schnapps, singing at the table, how to be placed at table and we compared Swedish habits with American habits.

That evening, a lovely group invited me and my wife to the Vasa museum. We ate a Swedish Christmas dinner table (Christmas smorgasbord), we had some schnapps and was singing Helan går in swedish. After that we looked at a lovely Lucia and listened to their unbeliviable singing. All this in the shadow of the Vasa ship.

Thank You all for a wonderful evening, and all our best wishes to You all new friends, all over the United States. And if anyone of You are reading this, do not hesitate to comment this text in this blog. Just below this text! Welcome!
Our best regards, Mats and Jane